AMWU tables recommendations for 4 yearly Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award Review.

April 30, 2018 / Comments Off on AMWU tables recommendations for 4 yearly Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award Review.


Printing industries Workplace relations Manager, Paul Mitchell met with Fair Work Commission deputy president Val Gostencnik on Monday as AMWU released a series of recommended changes for the Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award as part of the four yearly review.

PIAA Workplace Relations Manager Paul Mitchell was at the hearing and said “while there are a number of recommendations to be considered Printing Industries would be involved in the review process to ensure that the integrity of the industry and interests of members would be advocated for. “

The review is an ongoing process which has the capacity to widely impact many areas of the Printing Industry and is a matter of priority for the Association.

Members of the association are encouraged to make use of the resources offered by the Workplace Relations and HR team if they have any queries regarding the Awards or review.