Step up McCormack

February 26, 2018 / Comments Off on Step up McCormack


The PIAA welcomes the appointment of Michael McCormack as the new Leader of the National Party and Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister.

“The PIAA is pleased to see a Deputy Prime Minister who has a background in the print sector, and in the SME space, and we look forward to continuing our dialogue” says Andrew Macaulay, CEO of PIAA. “The fact that this Deputy Prime Minister also understands the significant contribution of the print and packaging sectors to regional economies is another reason to be pleased with this appointment”.

“Michael knows the issues that the print and packaging sector is facing, and the sacrifices small businesses make every day, from direct experience” says Walter Kuhn, President of PIAA, “80% of participants in the print and packaging sector are SMEs, and PIAA will continue our pursuit of fixes for the big issues of skyrocketing energy prices and industrial relations reform to the Deputy Prime Minister, who has shown much support for the sector in his previous portfolios.”

PIAA worked extensively with McCormack when he was Minister for Small Business, and the peak industry body for print and packaging has continued that work with the new Minister for Small & Family Business, Craig Laundy. PIAA met with Laundy on Friday to advocate for relief for the print and packaging sectors on skyrocketing energy prices.

PIAA will also pursue the crucial areas of tax reform, skills and training and infrastructure with the Deputy PM.